Town USA
IT Systems Hosting Solutions and
Managed Web Automation Company
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We are looking for resellers / Partners

ALL USA and especially Canada and from different countries around the world. If you are interested in high profits and a rewarding relationship let's talk! Have any questions, please contact us.

Feel you are not at this level of commitment yet of a reseller or Partner.
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We also offer a great referral program! Get started today!

In fact, we get so many referrals we want to reward you for them!

We will give you upwards of 10% on all orders placed! Please Contact Us to Learn More ...

We Want Reps!

We Need Reps!

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Networking helps both of us! So let's get together; you in your local area and us with over 10 years providing:
IT Systems Hosting
Web Solutions &
Managed Web
Automation Services
along with
Internet Business
Consulting™ IBCI
both for Local Communities and businesses ...


Town USA Manages Solutions for Your Business

Town USA provides Managed Solutions, so that you can do what you do best and rest assured that your critical systems are in good hands.

Managed Services solutions for Linux and Windows and Email are flexible, reliable, and secure - providing you peace of mind for your IT needs. From web servers, to databases, to application servers - we’ve got a solution for you.

Managed Automated Hosting solutions offer customers a rare combination of technology, business solutions, and personal service. The suite is designed with cost-saving, business-critical processes for automating everyday tasks and strengthening financial results. Our automated tools address all layers of the web hosting business. The Domain System Manager handles everything from account setup, provisioning, and billing, while the Control Panel gives end users the control they need to manage their accounts and websites. Several great packages are available for Managed Automated Hosting.

Managed Email is a solution designed to help you lower your operating expenses. There are many benefits to outsourcing your email. Read on for more information. When outsourcing a critical business function such as email, you need a partner who is a proven leader. To Tackle Spam and Viruses Town USA has partnered with GatewayDefender to bring you solid protection against spam and viruses.

For you, our solutions mean less hassle, less cost, higher profits and more time to focus on your business.

To learn more about how our Managed Solutions can help you, please click the button to contact us and one of our consultants will be glad to help you.

Server & Device Administration
The systems and expertise needed to build, deploy and operate servers are complex and require substantial technical and administrative investments. Few companies want to invest in the resources needed to establish and or once started maintain a Web-oriented data center.


Town USA now offers through it's associate relationships and with IBCI - Internet Business Consulting, Inc. comprehensive administrative services designed specifically to support an enterprise hosting environment. So if you are just starting, or need HELP with your exiting system we can service your needs seamlessly, invisible behind the scenes, so you can BETTER concentrate on your business and clients. Our Server and Device Administration capabilities include:

Network Administration We manage the provisioning, deployment, testing and ongoing management of all networking devices, including routers, switches, SSL accelerators, firewalls, routing tables and VPNs.

Hardware Administration We closely monitor customer hardware and other devices to identify and resolve emerging issues to provide the highest possible levels of uptime and performance.

Software Administration We also manage the installation of your Operating System and supporting software. This includes the provisioning, testing and deployment of security patches, service packs, upgrades and revisions. By closely monitoring log files and other indicators, we can provide valuable insight into site performance, traffic patterns, disk space usage and other variables.

Application Administration We offer assistance with the installation of supported applications and can provide remote administrative and application management resources. These application services include managed backup, database administration and data migration. Ask a Rackspace Representative about the Windows and Linux applications we support.

Application Hosting (another level up)
Provides an intensive approach which takes an exceptional level of expertise and delivers the perfect service for businesses running mission-critical applications. It's engineered for companies that need a customized application and or server environment with availability guarantees.

Town USA now offers through it's associate relationships an Application Hosting platform, provided with intensive overview, is engineered for businesses running and managing Linux & complex Microsoft Windows applications and or Email that need not only superior infrastructure performance, but a customized application environment and an application uptime guarantee. With an extraordinary level of expertise, specifically in Microsoft related applications like SQL Server, Commerce Server, and BizTalk - Intensive goes well beyond traditional managed hosting by providing a highly-tailored service for companies running mission-critical Microsoft applications.

Talk to us, we can help, and we want your business! For Over 10 years we have been here, we want to be there for you, please click the button to contact us and one of our consultants will be glad to help you.
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